Friday, August 1, 2008

Getting Excited

I'm in Chicago and I'm ready to be back in Troy.  I miss people and I miss the Wesley.  I'm ready to be back, and I'm getting excited about next year.  I think that we have a lot of clear divisions of labor that aren't meant to stifle but rather actually play to people's strengths and callings.  

I'm excited about planning CHURCH in committee rather than alone.  I'm looking forward to seeing how we do with the time and location change.  I really want us to explore the SLICE (Sacramental,Liturgical, Indigenous, Connected, and Embodied) model of worship and work together to not just plan worship, but lead the community in implementing that which we plan...even if that means giving up Word and Table IV during Lent, but that's something we'll discuss in a group.  I'm looking forward to some more responsive Great Thanksgivings and musical settings for responses.

I'm looking forward to continue working with Erin on Social Justice stuff.  We've already been planning some via text, and some of it might not be well received.  My excitement for DC is growing, and that's not just because I love the city.  It will be my last seminar with the Wesley...I'll've gone through two US2s at GBCS.  A little anxious about Mexico, but mostly anxious about fundraising for the two.

I need to go to bed.  Looking forward to more stuff from others in the next week.  Abide in peace, and pray for me, a sinner.


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